Sunday, December 13, 2009

Animal Collective - Fall Be Kind

Another album that I haven't been able to stop playing. Its an EP of only 5 tracks, but they are all so blissfully insane and amazing, I just felt I would be remiss as a blogger if I didn't post it.
Some of the songs play the same bursts of sound over and over again, a technique most noise/ambient/whatever bands use profusely and ineffectively, but in Fall Be Kind, this repetition is never boring or dull. This is probably because the melodies are so weird and interesting, you never get sick of them. Throw in some sweet lyrics that are sung as weirdly as they are written, and you have some really hypnotic, meditative material.

I am tempted to call this material pensive, dreamy, but I hesitate, because there's definitely an edge to this stuff. The whole thing clouds together as a dreamy beautiful sound, but there's plenty of sharp edges and harsh rhythms that make up the songs. I guess Aldous Huxley said it best when he listened to one of Gesualdo's madrigals with a head full of mescaline:
"The whole is disorganized. But each individual fragment is in order, is a representative of a Higher Order... The totality is present even in the broken pieces. More clearly present, perhaps, than in a completely coherent work."

I have never listened to Animal Collective's other stuff, but I'm gonna have to start now, because of this album. This is some beautiful music, straight up. Great driving music. Especially if you're driving into an ocean or something.

Favorite tracks: What Would I Want? Sky, On A Highway, I Think I Can

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