Thursday, January 28, 2010

Merzbow - Minazo

The Noise "artist" Masami Akita, aka Merzbow, made this 2-song album in memory of the late elephant seal Minazo (aka, the lolrus that achieved some internet fame.), who Merzbow befriended and often visited with at the Tokyo Aquarium. Merzbow was never amused by the tricks Minazo was routinely forced to perform, including his trademark act of holding a bucket and sticking out his tongue.
To most normal people, Minazo's acts were adorable and charming, but to Merzbow, this sort of shit bordered on animal cruelty, and when Minazo died in 2005 for unknown reasons, Merzbow set out to make two tribute albums "not to mourn the death of Minazo, but to avenge it."

Thus, he has recorded two albums of absolute ferocity. Long, bloody scree-scrawls of noise that leave you dazed. Headaches are to be expected for sure after about 5 minutes of this, if not less. Merzbow wasn't kidding when he said he wanted to avenge Minazo's death. These albums are weapons aimed at the ears of anyone brave or stupid enough to partake. A stunning embodiment of grief and frustration. I would say this tribute to the Beautiful Male Elephant is a damn good way to send off the gentle giant. さよなら、美男象。

Sun City Girls - Napoleon & Josephine 7"

just a funny ten-minute interaction between some nutty mystic who rambles on about stupid conspiracies and a growingly-impatient shop-store owner. Made me laugh. This isn't typical Sun City Girls stuff, I'll be sure to post some of their actual music on this blog. I just found this amusing, and felt like sharing this lesser-known piece of funny.

Fuck you, man, you listen to my shit.

V/A - Oz Days Live

sick compilation of Japanese underground Psych-rock from 1973. Its called "Oz Days" because it's a compilation of the last few shows The Oz Rock Cafe hosted before it got shut down.

Some particularly great jams from Les Rallizes Dénudés that are just really laid-back and trippy. Kind of a "must hear" for anyone who's into stoner-rock awesomeness. There's also a really cool 22 minute-long song by Taj Mahal Travelers that's an eerie swirl of Eastern-sounding violin and droning voices. Just downright creepy and really fucking cool. I would have loved to actually see Taj Mahal play this song live. There are other bands on this album, and though they should be listened to, they're not as impressive. One of these bands, Miyako Ochi, plays some pretty fun 50's and 60's rock and bop shit, if u know what I mean, and its pretty fun to listen to. They even do a pretty sick cover of Twist and Shout.

All in all, this is a really interesting (and rare) slice of 1970s Japanese underground psychedelia, and should definitely be listened to.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ground Zero - Revolutionary Pekinese Orchestra

One of the best things to come out of Japan, the unforgivably unsung Ground Zero is Otomo Yoshihide's first experimental band before he went solo. I think this is some of the best shit he's ever worked on. Revolutionary Pekinese Orchestra is simply amazing. Really good atmospheric pieces comprised of Japanese radio clips, advertisements and soundbits, as well as various other instruments and genres of weirdness. Trust me, this album is a lot more accessible than the other "noise/experimental" albums I've posted. This is just straight-up good. Everything is perfectly blended to the tune of insanity. At times beautiful and at other times disturbing, sometimes humorous, and always fascinating. An absolute fucking Trip. Download this.

best songs to start out with: Crossing Frankfurt Four Times, Paraiso 1, Grand Pink Junction Ballard, Triumphant Junction (Grand Finale).

Later, try listening to the whole album start to finish. A mindfuck for sure.

Hella - Hold Your Horse Is

Holy shit. Really spastic and incredible spazz-rock, lots of really awesome instrumental free-form rock jams. Really intense and well-done. Some of the best drumming I've ever fucking heard. No joke. I don't even need to explain how good this is. Get it, like, NOW.

Best tracks: fucking all of 'em. download this now.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Black Lips - We Did Not Know The Forest Spirit Made The Flowers Grow

Ah... what an album. The Black Lips is a pretty popular band nowadays, but this trashy gem of theirs is often overlooked by the public. Damn them. In my opinion, this album is their greatest work.

For those not in the know, The Black Lips are a merry band of hooligans that play some of the best damn rock music in Our 21st Century. Their sleazy, groovy Garage-Rock is loud, loose, and soaked in sweat, sex and booze. I guess if this band was a person, it'd be a drunk hobo dancing and stomping on a knocked-over dumpster. And that's not too far of a depiction of the band members themselves, whose live performances include smashing their equipment, making out with one another, pissing onstage, and running around the stage naked like a bunch of drunk toddlers on a sugar high... the product of an irresponsible drunkard of a parent.

Its all in good fun, though. And its not what make these guys shine. We all know the notorious antics of the late GG Allin were fun and all, but his onstage shit-eating didn't make his music any less, um... shitty. The Black Lips, fortunately, are actually really good. Their music is fun and full of energy. The overdriven, 'recorded-in-a-basement-with-a-tape-player' sound just adds to the thundering madness of these jams. This band exemplifies a part of Rock and Roll that's been missing for far too long. These trashy jams are super fun and awesome, and anyone who likes rock needs to give this album a try.

Best songs to start with: The first four tracks of the album, Ghetto Cross

Here's a pretty sweet performance of the song Juvenile (a song from this album).