Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Ground Zero - Revolutionary Pekinese Orchestra

One of the best things to come out of Japan, the unforgivably unsung Ground Zero is Otomo Yoshihide's first experimental band before he went solo. I think this is some of the best shit he's ever worked on. Revolutionary Pekinese Orchestra is simply amazing. Really good atmospheric pieces comprised of Japanese radio clips, advertisements and soundbits, as well as various other instruments and genres of weirdness. Trust me, this album is a lot more accessible than the other "noise/experimental" albums I've posted. This is just straight-up good. Everything is perfectly blended to the tune of insanity. At times beautiful and at other times disturbing, sometimes humorous, and always fascinating. An absolute fucking Trip. Download this.

best songs to start out with: Crossing Frankfurt Four Times, Paraiso 1, Grand Pink Junction Ballard, Triumphant Junction (Grand Finale).

Later, try listening to the whole album start to finish. A mindfuck for sure.

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